By 2020 the users should not operate the computer with the help of the keyboard and mouse. Their place, in opinion of the employees Intel, will be borrowed emplantation in a brain by(with) processors.
The employees pitsburgskoy of laboratory Intel study opportunities on management of computers, TVs and telephone through the brain waves caught developed Intel by gauges, developed The researchers hope, that the users voluntary will agree on emplantation of chips.
The main advantage of the new circuit of management is freedom from any interfaces, with what intuitively clear they were. By force think the users can, for example to pass from one wed-page to another or to switch telechannels.
While the sizes of the gauge are unsufficiently small that emplantation it(him) in a brain. The prototype of a sensor control while is placed in special set. Besides job on decoding signals of a brain yet is not completed. The researchers only have found out, that the similar images are shown at the different people equally. It gives hope for recognition of some standard reactions, and, means, and commands(teams) transmitted on the computer.
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